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Sephardic Genealogy

Contact us to discover your families' past with a family tree and reconnect with your ancestors by locating their graves and the paper trail they left behind.


Portuguese Citizenship for Sephardim

Aimed at descendants of Sephardic Jews of proven Iberian origin. Specifically from the Spanish & Portuguese Communities of Morocco, Tunisia, London, Amsterdam, Livorno, Thessaloniki, Jamaica, Curaçao, Suriname etc. We will help you research your Sephardic lines and present you with the necessary family tree and documents for the process. Additionally, we can advise you on the process, how and where to apply, and recommend lawyers and notaries.


About Our Business

Bridging the gap

There is nothing straightforward about genealogy research in Morocco. It is not simply a matter of finding birth, marriage, and death records, as for so much of Morocco and its history they simply do not exist. Therefore, we aim to help you bridge the gap between the present and the past by locating civil records from the protectorate period, Ketubot (Jewish Marriage records), gravestones, and any other mention we can find of your ancestor.

Contact Us

London, UK


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Cementerio Judio de Tetuan
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